Untouchable Darkness

To love a Dark One is to invite death...

It is wrong to love her. It is worse to want her. It is sin to consume her. I desire all three.

I've been given thirty days to prove my love to another immortal--as a human. Cursed to use nothing but the side of myself I've always despised to win her affection. I am Cassius, the King of the immortals, A Dark One.

And today I tasted fear for the first time. How can I win her when my human emotions over take every ounce of logic I possess?

A darkness is brewing.

One I cannot stop as a human.

One that Stephanie, my loves visions, have shown, will be my end.

Thirty days ago I was King of the immortals. Today I know fear. Today I know how I will die.

By her hand.

The woman I love.

Dark Ones Saga


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